Dyffryn Aman
- Ystafell Ffitrwydd o'r radd flaenaf
- Prif Bwll Nofio 25m
- Pwll Nofio Bach / i Ddysgwyr
- Stiwdio Ddawns
- Neuadd Chwaraeon Dan Do
- Trac Athletau
- Astrotyrff
- Oriel fawr y Pwll Nofio
- Ystafelloedd Newid
- Parcio am Ddim
- WiFi am Ddim
- Ystafelloedd Cyfarfod ar gael i'w llogi
- Rheseli beiciau safonol a lloches gwefru Ebike
Amman Valley Leisure Centre
Oriau Agor y Ganolfan
Yn yr wythnos (Llun i Gwener) 06:30 – 21:30
Penwythnosau (Sadwrn a Sul) 08:00 – 16:00
Gym Opening Hours
Weekdays (Monday to Friday) 06:30 – 21:00
Weekends (Saturday & Sunday) 08:00 – 16:00
Indoor & Outdoor Facilities at Amman Valley
Expand below to find out more about the facilities available to customers and groups at Amman Valley Leisure Centre.
Gym sessions are available 7 days a week (from 06:30 - 20:00 on weekdays and from 08:00 - 15:00 on weekends) every 15 minutes.
Gym inductions can also be pre-booked via the app / online for new Actif customers prior to their first session.
Gym Equipment at Amman Valley Leisure Centre:
Cardiovascular Equipment / Machines
- Treadmills x 6
- Powermills x 2
- Flex striders x 2
- Cross trainers x 4
- Rec bikes x 2
- Upright bikes x 3
- Assault bikes x 2
- Ski ergs x 3
- Concept 2 rowers x 2
- Techogym rower x 1
- Assault runner x 1
- Technogym assault runner x 1
Resistance Machines and Free Weights
- Free weights 6kg - 40kg
- Multi Adjustable Bench x 2
- Lat Pull Down
- Dual Pulley Resistant Machine
- Leg Extension
- Leg Curl
- Leg Press
- Back Extension
- Shoulder Press
- Abdominal
- Pectoral fly Rear Deltoid
- Lat Pull Down
- Row
- Squat Rack
- Half Rack
Download our app for the up-to-date gym sessions
Click here to book a gym session online (Using your log in details)
Swimming Pool
Public Swimming sessions are available 7 days a week (from Monday - Sunday). Please click the links below for the latest public swimming timetable.
Pre-booked swimming pool session duration: 1 hour, unless otherwise stated.
Swimming Pool Sessions at Amman Valley Leisure Centre:
- Lane Swimming
- Recreational Swimming
- Family Swimming
- 60+ Swimming
- Kids Go Free Swimming
Swimming Pool Public Timetable by centre
Find out more about swimming pool sessions / descriptions
Click here to book a swimming pool session online (Using your log in details)
Fitness Classes
Fitness classes are available 7 days a week (from Monday - Sunday) during the daytime and evening.
Please click the links below for the latest fitness class timetable. Pre-booked fitness class duration: varies from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Fitness Class Timetable by centre
Click here to book a fitness class online (Using your log in details)
Badminton Courts
Please download our app to see what sessions are available. Pre-booked badminton duration: 1 hour. The Badminton courts are open for:
Individual and club bookings
Actif indoor and outdoor sport facilities
Click here to book a badminton court online (Using your log in details)
Astroturf Pitch
Please download our app to see what sessions are available. Pre-booked Astroturf duration: 1 hour. The Astroturf pitch is open for:
Individual and club bookings
Actif indoor and outdoor sport facilities
Click here to book the astroturf pitch online (Using your log in details)
Electric Charging
Electric bike charging point (5 available)
Actif Memberships
At Actif we offer more than just a gym membership. Our all inclusive membership provides you with the opportunity to take advantage of over 100 fitness classes a week, 6 gyms, 5 swimming pools and 2 health suites across 6 Actif centres! Monthly Direct Debit memberships includes student, platinum, household, 60+ and corporate bronze packages. Pay As you Go options are also available for activities and sessions.
- 3 x bae parcio anabl, yn union o flaen y prif ddrysau
- Lloches rheseli beiciau safonol a gwefru Ebike
Mynedfa / derbyniad
- Mae lifft platfform wrth y fynedfa sy'n mynd â chi i fyny i'r dderbynfa
Ystafelloedd newid a thoiledau
- Mae yna ystafelloedd newid annibynnol sy'n cynnwys cawod a sedd, a gwely / wal ar ei ben ei hun
- Toiled ar ei ben ei hun yn y cyntedd
- Pyllau Nofio - Hoist codi y gellir ei ddefnyddio yn y brif pwll a'r pwll bach
- Arwyneb gwastad o'r dderbynfa i'r gampfa, ystafelloedd newid ac i'r pwll nofio
- Campfa - mae'r defnydd o'r offer yn dibynnu ar yr anabledd
- Beic Llaw Sci Fit - mae'r sedd yn symudadwy a gellir ei disodli gan gadair olwyn
- Pwli Addasadwy Deuol - gellir ei ddefnyddio gan ddefnyddiwr cadair olwyn
- Treamills - Mae breichiau'r treadmill yn caniatáu i rywun â phroblemau symudedd ddal gafael wrth gerdded
How do I see what's available and make bookings?
The easiest way to find session availability is via our App. You can see all sessions and availability live, so it will always be up-to-date. Then simply click to book!
It's simple to download and available on iOS and Android devices. All you need to do is search 'Actif Sport and Leisure' in your app store.
Looking for up-to-date gym, swimming pool and fitness class sessions for each individual centre? Choose your preferred/local centre on the Actif app, click on the 'Make a Booking' button and click on the relevant activity button.
You can also view the swimming pool, fitness class and junior activities timetables online here

Help centre / Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)
We have created a Help Centre section to help you find out everything you need to know about your membership and bookings, click the button below for a selection of frequently asked question and answers.